CVAP Day 4 - July 31, 2021

Just a matter of time for everyone.

Perhaps the most emotional and “sepanx-inducing” day happened last July 31. The last and final day of our workshops. While we crammed to complete our assignments, we also felt sad that all of these were ending soon. We have created a beautiful bond within our group BR 8 Motiv8. I am very proud of how we have become and how we have improved ourselves. We come from different age groups but our individualities did not hinder us from producing very good output. I will miss my group mates very much.

The speaker that day was no less than the very talented Ms. Janeane Santos. She talked about the “holistic approach of CVAP” and how this created an impact on her life. I am impressed by her achievements and experiences. Being a CVAP scholar, she really manifested herself as hardworking and committed in giving back the privilege that was given to her. She has become a well-rounded person and was able to work for prestigious brands because she persevered. I aspire to do the same someday. 

Branding was again brought up in her talk. It must be catchy, filled with positive vibes and must resonate with your personality. I agree with her on this note because one cannot claim that she is, when she is not. One cannot brand himself or herself as an animal lover when she doesn’t even have a pet to begin with. Branding is again a very crucial part before making it in this industry. A lot of people lose the opportunity simply because people confuse them to be somebody they are not. As to positivity, I also agree that a brand must bring out good energy. Sometimes I cringe over some people who have dark, war and violence promoting brands. Or brands which are too sexual and wrongfully explicit. I just could not fathom why some people would love to have these identities. To each his own, yes, I get that. But this is not what our world needs today. We need more encouragement and inspirational concepts because everybody needs it. The last thing we need is another pandemic allegedly caused by biochemical weapons. 

Janeane gave tips on what to do when you are booked for a project. She talked about rate negotiation,  why it’s important to have the terms printed and why it’s wise to ask for a downpayment. This is already the real deal. While we are all excited, Janeane also shared her frustrations and bad experiences. One of which is to be aware that there are lurking fraudulent clients out there, who only want your talent and do not want to compensate you fairly. These are realities she pointed out that were very helpful. Also in her list is the establishment of a vocal booth, may it be big or small it doesn’t matter. As long as it is an effective place for you to practice and create your demos. I said to myself, these concepts are becoming very real and workable. All these are surely well noted. 

Again, “the best time to believe in yourself is during the time when no one believes in you” This has been shared by Robinson Tumampos and now by Ms. Janeane. It is so true in all aspects. When I hear this I always think about Mr. Pocholo talking in the back of my mind “Maniwala ka sa sarili mo and you will be great. You have a great voice.” 

The VoiceMaster Mr. Pocholo De Leon Gonzalez followed the talk of Ms. Janeane and he shared to us a tour of his studio - the CreatiVoices Productions. We were in awe of the simple yet sophisticated studio of the VoiceMaster. It was like a big reveal of his workplace, his art sanctuary. I fervently watched as he shared his microphones, headphones, mixers, and other technical equipment. It was so inspiring to learn familiar pieces since I have also been singing professionally. It was very kind of him to share these informative details. 

Two other speakers were invited in the afternoon. These were Mac Florendo and The Nick of Voice Tumnic Balabat. Both of them are successful CVAP scholars and are making a huge difference in the industry. Hearing from them reminded me again that what you do here in CVAP is always appreciated and accounted for. They were just once like us. Spectators, eager to learn, and were only dreaming big. Now they are living the dream. This program has definitely moved me and convinced me that even in this time of the pandemic, we can all make a difference. We can be great. We can create. 

I end my final blog with the realization that I too, can be great. But I also acknowledge that my path is different from others. Therefore, I should not compare. As what VoiceMaster Pocholo said, “It’s just a matter of time for everyone!” I will always look back and think about CVAP as an inspiration. I have not really shared this with anyone but I can say that CVAP saved me. I am currently in America, the land I never prepared myself for, never dreamed of settling in, and right now I am faced with the most complicated transition I never thought possible. I thought at the lowest point in my life that I could not make it. But by God’s grace, here I am. Still here and still able to wake up each day.  When CVAP came, I was introduced to a different kind of perspective. That it isn’t so bad after all. We all have struggles, dreams delayed and I am not alone. That I belong. And sometimes, all it takes is just to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Always, again and again. 

Thank you CVAP. Thank you Ms. Nikie, Ruby Ann, Sir Jeff, Sir Rich, the staff of Certified Voice Artists Program, our speakers, my voicemates/batchmates, my group mates in BR 8 Motiv8, and most especially to the VoiceMaster Mr. Pocholo De Leon Gonzalez. I thought I was only getting myself into an ordinary voice workshop like the rest of them. But I was all wrong. I have learned so much, not just Voice Acting techniques, teamwork, dedication but about LIFE in general. About how to be the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF. And many other important values that give meaning to life. I can’t wait to start eyeing on future projects. 

Naddie May Tejam 

Oak Park, Illinois



CVAP Talks - Mr. Bernard Cañaveral