CVAP Day 1 - July 10, 2021

The familiar but incomparable journey begins.

“My main purpose and mission here is to help you become the best version of yourselves. First I would like you to find your Voice and second I would like you to love your Voice first.” That’s the statement of the VoiceMaster Pocholo De Leon Gonzales when he explained about taking chances and in making the most of rare opportunities that come your way. This statement caught me by surprise because right there and then I realized that the Certified Voice Artists Program is not merely a series of Voice Over workshops. I was getting myself into a more profound experience, something that definitely does not happen anywhere else. 

I first learned about CVAP last year through my husband. Tyrone is a CVAP graduate and he had been a part of Batch 5. As someone who had just landed in America (at the height of the pandemic, mind you), I left behind the comfortable and privileged life in my home country. Adjusting to the cold and intimidating weather was just one of the many struggles that I had to face. Setting up a family is hard. No amount of money, nor material things can replace the warmth and availability of extended family members who are ready to help you whenever you need an extra hand. Days turned to gloomy days of missing my folks back home. The balance between self care and getting things done for the family burdened me. It was a stage that taught me so much in life. Let’s just say I had to prioritize my little family more than my personal growth. And looking back, I believe I have made a remarkable decision. 

Then 2021 opened with a lot of positivity. Two weeks ago, I helped my husband prepare for his audition materials for the opportunities posted in CVAP. And then just as the next batch for CVAP was about to start, he finally persuaded me to join. This chance is what I have been waiting for. The wait was worth it. This is the best time, God’s time. “This time, ako naman.”

As a professional singer, and a graduate of Mass Communication, I would say that the Certified Voice Artist Program is an opportunity that is dearest to my heart. All my life, I have been using my voice for various performances in different venues. When I was younger, I had joined theatrical shows and even monologues. I have never abandoned the art that has fueled me with inspiration in whatever aspect of my life. 

I am thankful to God for CVAP. And I am thankful for finally taking the first step last Friday (Chicago time), July 10 in the Philippines. It’s an opportunity worth investing on because I am again introduced to familiar concepts that I am sure have evolved tremendously since I was a mass communication student. In the early part of the session, we learned that there is an ongoing corruption of talents, ‘greediness, selfishness and ungratefulness’ in the industry that we are about to expose ourselves into. Mr. Pocholo, for me, is by far the most brutally honest Mentor in this field. He said he does not prefer to be branded as a Voice Talent but rather as a Voice Master certainly because of this. He is a Voice Master because he teaches and imparts; he does not discourage nor degrade. I thought that it was very brave for Mr. Pocholo to say these things. In my previous experiences, experts mostly praise and only talk about the ‘good side’ in the industry where they thrive. Mr. Pocholo made me feel at ease. It was like listening to a real person who truly cares and understands the situation around him. 

“Someone out there needs to hear your voice.” This statement was also a standout in the first session because it made me revisit my purpose on why I’m doing all of these in the first place. I’m a married woman, a parent, and people have always said that I should already be focusing on more important family matters. But no matter how much I absorb the perspective of other people, I always go back to my VOICE. Yes, at the end of the day, I have a Voice. A gifted Voice that needs to be shared. I cannot, in good conscience, allow myself to be consumed by how I am being defined by others. I realized that I can still do more, and be more. I can even become the Voice of those who cannot fight for themselves. With the proper mindset and guidance, the potential is limitless.  And at 33 years, I am putting myself back up and honing myself for the next exciting and fruitful chapter of my life. 

I am ending this blog with the Core Values of CVAP which is Optimism, Integrity, Commitment and Self-expression. These are all too familiar concepts but each time you think about them, you will find yourself vulnerable and shaken. Human as we are, we must be constantly reminded of the principles that are important to us. In the world we live now, a lot of people no longer care and show kindness. People forget, and are blinded just to survive and protect their own interests. As what’s already happening in front of us, only God knows how much time and opportunities we have left so each day is the only time we have to be the best that we can be. It doesn’t matter what we do, as long as we do it for the good of all. Mr. Pocholo, taking into consideration these values in CVAP, set as an example his love for his son. According to him, he is doing all of these so that he can be the best role model for his son. I don’t know what could be more touching than that. As a parent now, and as a wife, nothing is more important than for me to be the best version of myself for my loved ones. When we are striving to be the best in our own family unit, our best illuminates and inspires other people - the people that we know in our communities, especially the younger generation. Only then can we say that we have used our Voice to the fullest extent. 

Naddie May Tejam

Oak Park, Illinois



CVAP Day 2 - July 17, 2021